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Gene presents a regular, tech podcaster and commentator Kirk McElhearn, who comes aboard to talk about the impact of the outbreak of data hacks and ways to protect your stuff with strong passwords. He'll also provide a common sense if unsuspected tip in setting one up. Also on the agenda, rumors about the next Mac mini from Apple. Will it, as rumored, be a visual clone of the Apple TV, and what are he limitations of such a form factor? As a sci-fi and fantasy fan, Kirk will also talk about...
Gene introduces Alex Serban COO of Reflector Media. He’ll talk about its decision to acquire a long-time Mac news and views site, macobserver.com. At the time of the purchase, Serban says the site had been confronting hard times and losing money. After the purchase, it has grown four times, restored to its rightful place and become one of the most read Apple-centric websites. In addition to talking about Apple gear and some support issues, he’ll describe how Google has changed and what’s...
Gene presents a return visit from AI wizard Ed Watal. On the agenda is the troubling topic of whether AI will someday surpass human intelligence. He talks about the uncertain timeline of when this might happen, whether it’s imminent or will occur some time in the foreseeable future. In reviewing AI’s potentials, what about its limitations, such as the lack of human-like intelligence and adaptability? There are also ethical considerations, about bias and transparency and control. How will...
Tech commentator Kirk McElhearn joins Gene to explain the ins and outs of Apple's Intelligence, its answer to the AI revolution. More or less. He also covers such subjects as the failures of Siri plus the Apple Watch's health features and their value. And what about the 5G revolution? Was it all mostly a hype to bring profits to mobile phone companies? There is also a brief discussion about the value of editing documents printed on paper rather than on your computer's display. In is regular...