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    Another Look at the Steve Jobs Longevity Dilemma

    June 18th, 2008

    The other day I read a story in which it was reported that Apple’s market cap dropped some $19 billion within days because of concerns about the health of CEO Steve Jobs. Indeed, this feeling was buttressed by photos showing Jobs appearing somewhat emaciated in certain poses during his WWDC keynote. Now considering his massive […]

    Newsletter #446 Preview: Apple Looks Ahead, While Microsoft Looks Back

    June 15th, 2008

    Apple has a long history of spinning on a dime. A couple of years back, for example, they tossed out a best-selling design for the iPod nano and introduced an all-new version. Almost any other company on the planet would have pushed the existing configuration until well past its prime and even beyond. Upgrades over […]

    The WWDC Report #4: The Products Apple Doesn’t Talk About

    June 11th, 2008

    You know that this year’s WWDC was designed first and foremost to be an iPhone event. That’s why you didn’t hear much about Snow Leopard, Mac OS 10.6, which has features that are of more interest to developers than the rest of us. In fact, most of the information about Snow Leopard was provided under […]

    The WWDC Report #3: Is Snow Leopard An Admission that Leopard is Flawed?

    June 10th, 2008

    In Mac OS X’s relatively brief history, it was a sure thing that each new version would be replete with whizzy new features in addition to the normal range of under-the-hood enhancements. This all reached a peak with 10.5, where Apple boasted over 300 new or improved features. However, Leopard’s stability appears to be a […]