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    Would the iPhone Work in Verizon Wireless’s Stepford Culture?

    February 12th, 2009

    As Macworld’s Jason Snell reminded me this week while recording a segment for The Tech Night Owl LIVE, placing the iPhone in the arsenal of today’s number one mobile carrier, Verizon Wireless, would probably represent a culture shock to them. Now I don’t pretend to know what went on behind the scenes as Apple was pitching […]

    Another Cheap Apple Product Rumor

    February 11th, 2009

    So only a few weeks ago, Apple COO (and acting CEO) Tim Cook announced that it’s not in Apple’s DNA to build cheap junk. But that’s nothing new, as he and Steve Jobs have been saying the very same thing for an awfully long time. You’d think that some folks would get the message. Despite […]

    So Where’s the Next Apple Killer?

    November 3rd, 2008

    Microsoft clearly believes it essentially killed the Mac years ago, since it holds an incredible dominance of the PC operating system market. Forget for the moment that Apple has made great strides in market share growth recently, and Microsoft has stumbled badly with Vista. The opposition has other irons in the fire. First came the […]

    The Night Owl’s Raves and Rants for 2007

    January 1st, 2008

    I started the year with modest expectations about what might happen in the tech industry. You see, I am pretty satisfied with what I have, and so I don’t hang on every letter of speculation about, for example, the insanely great things that might be happening over at Apple Inc. Oh yes, at the beginning […]