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    The Windows 10 Crash Machine

    September 16th, 2015

    So if you’re listening to Microsoft, Windows 10 has been a huge success, so far, with over 75 million downloads the very first month. Unlike previous versions of Windows, except for a brief period before release when people buy an older version, Windows 10 is free to users of Windows XP, Windows 8 and Windows […]

    Windows 10: The Oversell Begins

    June 2nd, 2015

    Just this week, I was examining the headlines over at an aggregator of tech news. Normally it’s filled with articles with Apple in the title, but not necessarily this week. You see Windows 10 is coming. Well, not today or tomorrow, more like July 29, so get your PCs ready, or your copies of Parallels […]

    Should Apple Respond to Microsoft’s Big Bet?

    May 27th, 2015

    A recent article from one of my long-time colleagues, Peter Cohen of iMore, started me thinking about the various approaches taken by Microsoft and Apple towards operating system releases. Up till now, a new OS was an event. There would be full-blown media events, often accompanied by advertising, and tech writers would often be granted early […]

    Windows 10: Microsoft’s Apology for Windows 8?

    January 23rd, 2015

    I’ve got good news for anyone who dumped money on Windows 8, or is still using Windows 7. If you upgrade to Windows 10 the first year of its release, it’s going to be free. Yes, free. No subscriptions, no limited features. Free. You might assume Microsoft’s copying machines went after Apple’s playbook with OS […]