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    Newsletter #394 Preview: Is Apple Taking Us Back to the 1990s?

    June 17th, 2007

    Do you remember the first great browser war era of the last decade? In this corner, there was Netscape, and in the far corner, coming up faster than anyone expected, was Microsoft. At the time, Microsoft actually did a smart thing. They built a better application, so it wasn’t just a matter of tying it […]

    The WWDC Report: Apple’s iTunes Trojan Horse

    June 12th, 2007

    A lot of companies have long-range plans that seldom extend beyond the end of the current quarter, to ensure high income and increasing profits. Sure, Apple does well with its quarterly financials too, but they clearly have a strategy that will carry through for a number of years. Take the plans to expand and extend […]

    The Mac OS X Virus Report: Why the Disconnect?

    March 22nd, 2007

    For months, you’ve been hearing the same old story. As Mac OS X becomes more and more popular, and Windows users continue to switch to Apple’s platform, the rise of malware is inevitable. Before you know it, Mac OS X will be subject to some of the same irritants that are inflicted on the Windows […]

    Are Mac Fans a Dying Breed?

    November 10th, 2006

    Some of you might think that I’m not serious about the headline, but hear me out. Times have changed, and the rabid fandom that consumed all of us for over 20 years may not survive in great numbers as Apple spreads beyond its core loyalists. Consider the iPod, which has become a cultural icon, and […]