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    Is Microsoft Paying Lip Service to the Mac?

    February 7th, 2008

    One of the landmark agreements that Steve Jobs got from Bill Gates in the last decade was the pledge that Microsoft would continue to develop Office for the Mac over an additional five years. That agreement has since been extended, and Office 2008 is their latest Mac product. At the same time, some speculate that […]

    Living with Leopard: Book VIII — The Great Data Loss Controversy

    November 7th, 2007

    The worst thing a personal computer operating system can do, aside from crashing a lot, is to destroy your data. Indeed, a bug of this sort ought to be a show-stopper, but if you believe all those lurid headlines, such a defect was allowed to remain in Leopard when it was released. If it sounds […]

    Waiting for Leopard Book VI: A Preinstallation Checkup

    October 25th, 2007

    Across the world as I write this, tens of thousands — maybe hundreds of thousands — of copies of Leopard are on their merry way to Mac users. The tech press, and even some mainstream news outlets such as The New York Times, USA Today and The Wall Street Journal, have had the Golden Master […]

    Why the Mac is Poised for the Mainstream

    August 23rd, 2007

    As much as the Mac has been marketed as “the computer for the rest of us,” their definition of “us,” as often or not, was regarded as the well-heeled through much of the company’s history. Indeed, the progenitor of the first Mac, the Apple Lisa, cost roughly ten grand, way beyond the budgets of most […]