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    The End of Instant Messaging Confusion?

    December 16th, 2011

    Back a long, long time ago, I had my first encounters with instant messaging, in the form of AOL’s Instant Messenger. An outgrowth of the way things worked with those original bulletin board systems, it sure was convenient, being able to have an online text-based conversation with someone without having to actually talk to them, […]

    Now About That Walled Garden

    August 17th, 2011

    You have heard over and over again how Apple’s tight control over software and hardware is a bad thing. Software needs to be open, Apple needs to license their OS to other companies to be a credible player in the tech industry. And how dare they rule upon which apps can appear in their various […]

    Some Media Pundits Still Don’t Understand Why Apple is Successful

    April 20th, 2011

    So I was reading an article this week from a columnist for a publication that I won’t mention, simply because of the belated nature of the comments. It’s not that the writer was wrong; in fact the conclusions where, as far as I’m concerned, essentially right on. However, I’m more curious as why such an […]

    Are You Sure You Want an Open System?

    September 28th, 2010

    In the latest issue of our weekly newsletter, I brought up an article from Washington Post tech columnist that pretty much sums up the serious shortcomings of the Android OS. You see, open doesn’t always translate to something that’s actually good. Think about the issue of interface consistency. With Mac OS X and Windows, you […]