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    Apple Ascendant in the Twilight of the PC Era

    July 3rd, 2013

    It wasn’t so many years ago that many of you no doubt felt that Apple was fated, or condemned, to occupy a niche status in the PC market. With worldwide sales, and U.S. sales for that matter, in the single digits, how could it be otherwise? Sure, Apple would regularly release new versions of OS […]

    About Those Public Platform Swatchers

    March 8th, 2013

    Every so often you hear from one tech commentator or another about how they converted to a different platform. At first it was a PC to Mac switcheroo, mostly where someone who had used Windows for years decided to give a Mac a try. The results were usually the same. Most things worked about the […]

    Revisiting Macs on ARM

    November 7th, 2012

    Apple is no stranger to switching processor architectures. Back in 1994, Macs were moved from the Motorola 680×0 family to the PowerPC. In theory, your Mac should have run a whole lot faster, but as a practical matter, it took a while for apps to be redone for the new processor. So you were stuck […]

    Memo to Microsoft: Why Didn’t You Make Windows 8 Usable?

    August 29th, 2012

    Since the first public betas of Windows 8 appeared last year, I have really made a huge effort to find some comfort in the new interface. Right, it used to be Metro, but when that ended up being the name of a German supermarket chain, Microsoft opted for “Modern UI.” I suppose that could change […]