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    Newsletter #482 Preview: Is Microsoft the Catch Up King?

    February 22nd, 2009

    Let’s take a fascinating journey through time, before many of you readers were using Macs or any personal computer for that matter. Back in the 1980s, when most user interfaces were text-based, Apple burst on the scene with the Macintosh. Even then, though, they only had a minority share of the marketplace (although larger than […]

    So Where’s the Next Apple Killer?

    November 3rd, 2008

    Microsoft clearly believes it essentially killed the Mac years ago, since it holds an incredible dominance of the PC operating system market. Forget for the moment that Apple has made great strides in market share growth recently, and Microsoft has stumbled badly with Vista. The opposition has other irons in the fire. First came the […]

    Newsletter #424 Preview: A Realistic Look at Apple’s Innovation

    January 13th, 2008

    Every press release that emerges from Apple Inc. these days includes the following tag line: “Apple ignited the personal computer revolution in the 1970s with the Apple II and reinvented the personal computer in the 1980s with the Macintosh.” At no time do they claim that they actually invented the first personal computer, although the […]

    It’s the Little Things that Irritate!

    March 28th, 2007

    For a long, long time now, you’ve been told that Apple designs the best user interfaces. They “just work,” and the learning curve — such as it is — is relatively short. Of course, that doesn’t explain the consistent sales of “Dummies” books about various and sundry Apple products through the years, but compared to […]