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    So Just How Successful is the iPad 2?

    May 20th, 2011

    I suppose some industry analysts who forecast extremely rosy sales for the iPad during the March quarter this year were somewhat disappointed that less than five million were sold. Apple’s response, which seems sensible enough in light of the ongoing backorder situation, was that they were building as many as they can, but struggling to […]

    Apple’s Competitors Can’t Fight Cultural Icons

    May 13th, 2011

    You just knew that Apple had caught a breeze when the iPod became a cultural icon representing digital music players. It was the product to which all comers were compared, and they ended up wanting. One by one, the iPod killers arrived, and one by one they failed, or gained a minor share of the […]

    Apple Doesn’t Have to Be Number One

    April 8th, 2011

    There’s a meme that’s been played out in the media for years. Unless Apple is number one in every market they serve, they cannot possibly succeed. If a competitor has a bigger market share, Apple has to be chastened, retreat into obscurity, and stop building “insanely great” products. A lot of this started years ago, […]

    Another Wacky Theory: Apple Will Overtake Sirius XM

    April 7th, 2011

    Now imagine, just imagine, that Southwest Airlines had the potential to become a major competitor to GE. All right, I realize that’s ridiculous since the two companies aren’t playing in the same industry. But if you look at the recent chatter, you’ve got to wonder the source of the boneheaded conclusion that Sirius XM, the […]