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    Newsletter #432 Preview: So Apple Is After the Enterprise After All

    March 9th, 2008

    The conventional wisdom has it that Apple doesn’t really care so much about the enterprise. They have made tons of money from consumers, educational users and small businesses, and the sacrifices required to go to big companies hasn’t appealed to Apple. At least so far. It’s not that Apple hasn’t been interested in business users. […]

    Newsletter #403 Preview: Can You Depend on Product Reviews Anymore?

    August 19th, 2007

    Over the years, I’ve complained about Consumer Reports and its reviews of personal computers, particularly Macs. It’s not because they necessarily print false information, but incomplete reports, simplified to make it acceptable to what they regard as a non-technical audience. But that also makes it extremely deficient and of little use if you really want […]

    Newsletter #368 Preview: The Night Owl’s Favorite Mac Software

    December 18th, 2006

    I’m so consumed by getting my work done these days, that I seldom talk about the products I use to actually enable me to complete those tasks. That’s the purpose of today’s commentary. But, let me first explain that I am not the sort of person to add toys to my Mac. Call me dull, […]

    Newsletter #354 Preview: The Mac is Not a Toaster Oven

    September 11th, 2006

    They sometimes say that the best salesperson believes their own pitch, so maybe it is true that when Steve Jobs first touted the Mac as a computing appliance, he believed it too. Alas, the first time a Mac crashed, the famed “reality distortion field” was breeched. Everything went downhill from there. For me, the most […]