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    OS X: Back to the Beginning

    March 26th, 2015

    It’s hard to believe that 14 years have elapsed since OS X — then Mac OS X — was originally released as a supposedly finished product. But it wasn’t quite the first version of Apple’s Unix-based OS to be available to the public. The previous September, Apple sold you a Public Beta, for $29, designed to […]

    The Steve Jobs Biography Freakout

    March 25th, 2015

    For years, Apple refused to cooperate with authors who wanted to write books about Apple or, more particularly Steve Jobs. There have been a number of books published on both without any cooperation from the company or its employees. For the most part, authors relied on former employees, friends, ex-friends, and competitors to build a […]

    Newsletter Issue #799: The New “Open” Apple

    March 23rd, 2015

    So the image of Apple after Steve Jobs took over the company in 1997 was of a place where secrets were kept. While rumors were always present, Apple didn’t spill the beans until the right time, usually shortly before a product was set to be introduced. Sometimes it would happen earlier, if there was no […]

    Grasping for Straws about an Apple Car

    March 20th, 2015

    After the initial flurry of reports about Apple setting up a project to create a car, the talk has sort of died down. This is quite understandable. Even if true, such a beast won’t appear for several years, unless Apple pulls off a miracle in setting up a manufacturing and dealer network. Regardless, there’s always […]