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    Newsletter Issue #910: The iPad: Yesterday’s News?

    May 8th, 2017

    When the iPad debuted in 2010, it arrived with great fanfare. While Microsoft had touted tablets for years, they hadn’t gone anywhere beyond some vertical markets. So I recall that my wife’s former family doctor used them. They came in the form of a perfectly ordinary notebook computer with a touchscreen. But using them was […]

    The Definition of Insanity?

    August 16th, 2013

    A popular joke, and maybe it’s not so funny, is that doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is a classic definition of insanity. If we take that concept literally, what can you say about Microsoft? After all, the company has been touting tablets for years, and has failed […]

    Another Look at the iPad mini

    October 4th, 2012

    The latest rumors have it that Apple will hold a media event later this month to unleash a smaller iPad, scheduled to ship no later than early November. If true, it would make the so-called iPad mini a potential hot ticket for the holiday season. There’s yet a new published report, from the Wall Street […]

    Are You Ready to Give Up Your Mac?

    August 25th, 2010

    More and more of the speculation I’ve read of late talks about extensive proposed changes to the Mac OS. There is that Apple patent filing that would add a touch interface, activated, evidently, by the direction in which the screen is tilted. So if you hold it flat, as determined by the accelerometer, you will […]