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    The iMac Report: Apple Left the Proprietary World a Decade Ago

    May 7th, 2008

    Lots of pundits are content with putting the words “Apple Inc.” and “proprietary” in the same sentence. A lot of that is, of course, due to the tight vertical integration of all of their products, from the iPod to Macs and Mac OS X. However, there is an awful lot about the Mac these days […]

    Why the iPod is Not a Walkman

    April 30th, 2008

    Whenever an analyst wants to write something without thinking, it’s easy to pontificate on such silliness as the alleged resemblance of the iPod to the Sony Walkman. Both gained iconic status, but the latter was eventually largely supplanted by me-too products that were cheaper and offered identical or additional features. And let’s not forget the famous […]

    The Leopard Report: Almost Six Months Later

    April 21st, 2008

    I recall writing several articles detailing my original expectations of Leopard, and my sincere hope that Apple, having extra time to finish it up, would grace us all with a more stable release. Depending on your point of view, they may or may not have succeeded. But it’s my feeling Apple delivered a product that […]