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    Another Look at the 10.6 Value Equation

    July 2nd, 2008

    Since I wrote my first article suggesting whether Apple should just give away Snow Leopard or make it a low-cost upgrade, many of you have written some cogent comments on the subject. You see value in what Apple is doing to improve Mac OS X, even if there aren’t a lot of surface changes or […]

    The Snow Leopard Report: How About Free?

    June 26th, 2008

    All right, we know that Snow Leopard will be, for all practical purposes, a wholesale cleanup of Leopard. Most of the surface features, save for Microsoft Exchange support, will be essentially identical to 10.5, although I suppose there might be some refinements here and there. But the real stuff will happen out of sight, in […]

    The 10.7 Wish List: Time to Revisit Your Hopes and Dreams

    June 24th, 2008

    We know now that most of the new features of Snow Leopard will be confined to the guts of the operating system, and that, other than native Microsoft Exchange support and a handful of other things, you won’t see much of a difference between 10.5 and 10.6. That, of course, excludes performance, which ought to […]

    Newsletter #447 Preview: Is it Time to Stop Talking About Snow Leopard?

    June 22nd, 2008

    Any time Apple has a new operating system under development, you can bet there will be plenty of speculation, not to mention a wide range of hopes and dreams about the shape of the finished product. But Snow Leopard is a different breed of cat, if you’ll excuse the lame pun. You see, it’s supposed […]