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    Welcome to the Silly Season: Spring 2009 Edition

    May 5th, 2009

    It’s fair to say that there’s not a whole lot of news is coming out of Cupertino, CA these days from Apple. There weren’t any new product introductions in April, and there may be another vast wasteland between now and the WWDC in June. That’s where most of you no doubt expect a firm release […]

    Reconsidering Apple’s Future

    January 23rd, 2008

    Now that Wall Street has, as usual, run off half-cocked over apparent flattening of iPod sales, the pundits are at it again. Has Apple’s luster begun to fate? Are iPod sales destined to tank? What’s Apple’s next great thing and will it arrive in time to halt the renewed  atmosphere of gloom and doom for […]

    The Mac Music Report: Buy, Buy and Buy Again!

    May 30th, 2007

    As the dust settles on the newest version of iTunes, and iTunes Plus music, DRM-free and of higher quality, you wonder about the implications of this new way of distributing online music. Let me start by asking you a question: What’s better than selling you something? How about selling you the same thing, or a […]

    Mac = Cool; PC = Boring

    November 2nd, 2006

    A good ad campaign invokes positive images, appeals to your subconscious needs and, in general, makes you feel great about buying the product or service in question. Take a car. Buy the right vehicle and you’re beautiful and sexy and ready to take on the world. I hardly need to go on. You all know […]