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    Newsletter Issue #528: The Deaf Ears of Apple and Microsoft

    January 10th, 2010

    When a company becomes set in its ways, the door to potential disaster looms. This may well be why Chrysler and GM had to run to the government for a bailout when the market changed right under them, whereas Ford, which had executives with greater foresight, we ready to cope with the economic downturn and […]

    More Rantings of the Tech Media’s Lunatic Fringe

    August 19th, 2009

    All right, so the latest craziness to emerge from some elements of the text press suggests that in a post-Jobs Apple, the company would somehow find “synergies” with Google and would contemplate a merger. You can take that to the bank, they feel, but I think it would have to be a bank that’s failing. […]

    Is Apple Afraid of Palm?

    May 26th, 2009

    We all know that Palm made the handheld concept successful, even though Apple’s Newton was there first. Sure, the Palm Pilot was cheaper and not as feature-laden, but it carved a decent niche for itself for several years. That is, until the smartphone took over and smacked it in the rear with a resounding kick. […]