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    The Apple OS Licensing Report: Dumb Too?

    November 25th, 2014

    When I began to give this column a title, I was really tempted to duplicate that of the “Dumb and Dumber” movie sequel, but I couldn’t bring myself to repeat the silly misspelling in the title. But when it comes to Apple’s critics, the ones who demand that Apple do this, that, or the other thing, […]

    Is Apple Coming to Samsung’s Rescue?

    November 18th, 2014

    It’s a curious world. On the one hand, Samsung has been sued a number of times by Apple for alleged theft of intellectual property. Samsung was charged with slavishly copying Apple’s exclusive designs, mostly the iPhone and various product features, and they fought back claiming Apple had, in fact, illegally used some of their intellectual […]

    Android’s Advantages — or Not!

    November 13th, 2014

    A few facts are obvious. iPhone sales keep climbing, Samsung’s sales are falling, but the Android platform is still ahead of the game worldwide on the basis of unit sales. But Apple still manages to earn most of the profits in the industry with high margins and competitive prices. Nowadays, dealers are even more proactive about […]

    Newsletter Issue #780: iOS 8 and Apple’s Big Mistake

    November 10th, 2014

    Taking advantage of lower prices for flash storage, buying iPhones and iPads with more space to put your stuff has become cheaper. So it costs $100 extra to increase capacity from 16GB to 64GB, and another $100 to go to 128GB. In passing, I eagerly await the time when Apple offers larger solid state drives […]