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    The Usual Apple Product Intro, and the Usual Claims of Production Problems

    March 24th, 2015

    Do you remember all that chatter before the iPhone 6 was launched last fall? Apple was having problems ramping up production, so they said, and supplies would be severely constrained when the units first went on sale. But you can go farther back over Apple’s history, particularly when a new form factor was about to […]

    Apple Watch and the Stakes Falsehoods

    March 10th, 2015

    All right, so Apple did release a product that might kinda sorta be referred to as a 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina display. Only it was called MacBook, signaling a new product generation, and it made the existing MacBook Air seem positively thick and heavy by comparison. But I get ahead of myself. Ahead of […]

    With Samsung, It’s More Mirrors Than Smoke

    March 4th, 2015

    At the Mobile World Congress this week, Apple, as usual, looms large even though our favorite fruit company never shows up at such events. But that didn’t stop Apple’s gear from being used as the basis for comparison, overtly or otherwise. So what is Samsung’s answer to the stellar success of the iPhone 6 and […]

    Smartwatch Sales: A Low Bar for Apple to Beat!

    February 26th, 2015

    Apple is used to selling many millions of anything they produce. So even though Apple TV hasn’t been out of hobby status for very long, some 25 million of them have been sold. To most tech companies, such figures would be amazing. In the smartwatch space, a research company known as Smartwatch Group claims that some […]