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    Attention Critics: Please Make Logical Arguments Against Apple — For Once!

    August 13th, 2015

    There are a few tech columnists who spend a great deal of time correcting misinformation about Apple. But it’s easy to feel the effort is wasted, because the serial misinformers continue to spread fear, uncertainty and doubt. A good reason for this is that mentioning anything about Apple, iPhone, iPad, Macs and even Apple Watch […]

    The Usual Nonsense About “Off-Year” iPhone Updates

    August 12th, 2015

    Usually the tech media has a handle on a new iPhone in the weeks before it’s released. That information is usually based on leaks from the supply chain, and when they come fast and furious, it’s possible to sort out the essence of the upgrade. But that’s just the essence. So we knew in the […]

    Newsletter Issue #817: A Look at the “I Quit” Syndrome

    July 27th, 2015

    As you know, it’s quite normal for someone to switch products if you’re not satisfied. If your current car isn’t exciting you, or perhaps you’re sick and tired of all those trips to the repair shop, you’ll pick a different brand next time. Perhaps you just want to try something new, or if you received […]

    Fear and Loathing About Apple Watch Sales

    July 23rd, 2015

    To Wall Street, a 35% increase in iPhone sales over last year wasn’t enough to keep Apple’s stock from tanking. Selling 47.5 million seems impressive, but some Wall Street analysts said it must be 50 million. Of course you have to wonder where they got those figures, and if they were based on surveys, clearly there’s […]