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    The iPhone Battery Life Conundrum

    October 13th, 2015

    You wouldn’t think it should matter, but several published reports claim that the battery life of an iPhone 6s and an iPhone 6s Plus can vary drastically depending on who built the processor. So Apple uses parts from TSMC (for Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company) and Samsung. The story goes that, if you get a handset […]

    Apple’s Stock Price Drops Despite Good News

    September 29th, 2015

    In keeping with expectations, Apple reported that 13 million iPhones were sold the first weekend. This is a record, and not just for Apple. It’s a record for the industry. Despite being the darling of the tech media until profits came crashing down, Samsung never came close to Apple when releasing new Galaxy smartphones. In […]

    Another “Apple Can’t Do That” Report

    September 23rd, 2015

    There’s an unfortunate habit of the media, and even industry executives, to underestimate Apple. Do you remember when the iPhone came out, and how Steve Ballmer famously announced, “There’s no chance that the iPhone is going to get any significant market share”? I’m serious! Of course, when you look at the market share of the […]

    Fear and Loathing About iOS 9

    September 18th, 2015

    It’s early. Aside from some download problems right after it was released, the iOS 9 upgrade experience appears to be moving along well. The sites who measure web metrics are reporting a roughly 12% adoption rate in the first 24 hours. That’s similar to iOS 8, but some suggest it would have been better had there […]