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    Apple Say’s Everything’s Great — Wall Street Says Not So Fast!

    March 5th, 2008

    Welcome to the nasty world of disconnect, where a high-flying company can say anything it wants, even if true, and the stock market prefers to look for troubling news. Of course, that’s a part of that is our tabloid mentality, where we’re always searching for the juicy headlines that make a person or corporation look […]

    The Speculation Department: How Apple Tried to Trick Rumor Sites!

    January 31st, 2007

    In recent days, Apple has paid some $700,000 in legal fees to the defendants in its failed action to locate the source behind revelations about an alleged product under development bearing the code-name Asteroid. Although the product got lots of attention as a result of the lawsuits, it never saw the light of day. Supposedly […]

    Newsletter #372 Preview: The Leopard Report: Apple’s Forgotten Operating System

    January 15th, 2007

    It wasn’t too long ago when Apple lauded the Mac operating system as its flagship product. Whenever a new version was under development, it would be heavily demonstrated at a WWDC keynote, and, in the ensuing months you’d see more and more chatter about it until the highly-anticipated release event. Indeed, hundreds of you were […]

    The Leopard Report: The Rush Release Rant!

    July 13th, 2006

    Look at the situation right now. Microsoft has thrown wasted some $8 to $9 billion struggling to get Windows Vista and office 2007 out at some amorphous time next year. Yes, I know Bill Gates says there’s an 80% certainty that Vista will be available to consumers in January, but I take that with a […]