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    Does the World Really Need Mac Clones?

    November 24th, 2009

    From Day One of the arrival of the Apple Macintosh in 1984, many insisted Apple was missing the boat by not licensing its crown jewels, the Mac OS, to other companies. This theory had it that Apple would benefit big time as more and more computers bearing their operating system became available. As some of […]

    The Night Owl Reveals Apple’s Plot to Control the PC Industry!

    July 23rd, 2009

    I am sometimes accused of writing lurid headlines just for the effect or the higher hit counts. I don’t agree. The headlines always relate to the content, and in this case, my theory is right on the money. What’s more, recent figures based on retail sales of new PCs from the NPD Group confirm the […]

    The Mac OS Clone Myth Revisited

    October 27th, 2008

    In the 1980s, Bill Gates told Apple’s CEO at the time, John Sculley (the former soft drink executive), that he should license the Mac OS. As far as Gates was concerned, Apple would own the market. Well, what really happened was that Sculley, in his infinite stupidity, actually licensed some of the Mac OS to […]