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    Now It’s Inevitable: Flash is Dying!

    March 3rd, 2010

    In 1998, Apple killed the floppy drive. It took a few years for the rest of the industry to catch up, but the handwriting was clearly on the wall. Of course, anyone who actually lost data on a worn or defective floppy would only cheer the end of that flawed storage scheme. Segue to 2007. […]

    The Netbook Won’t Kill Personal Computers!

    March 18th, 2009

    It seems that the flash in the pan du jour sometimes overwhelms common sense. Take the netbook, which has reportedly exhibited sharply increased sales of late. Now the concept of a netbook is simple enough. You take a standard note-book computer, shrink it down, use a low-power processor, smaller hard drive, wireless adapter and a […]

    The Leopard Report: Slower than Windows XP?

    April 14th, 2008

    The other day, I read an article in Daniel Knight’s usually excellent LowEndMac site, in which he interviews musician and artist Scott Hansen, a devoted Mac user who is willing to overlook alleged performance limitations with Mac OS X because he still thinks it’s far, far better. So what performance limitations are we talking about? Well, […]