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    It’s Always About Apple

    September 4th, 2014

    It rarely matters what happens in the tech business. Far too many alleged media analysts and reporters will devise a scheme to get Apple involved. And even when they appear to be involved, the truth may be different from it may seem at first glance. So we have those predictable reports in the wake of the reported hacking of […]

    Newsletter Issue #740: Of RCA and Motorola

    February 3rd, 2014

    If you’re not a baby boomer, you may not recognize the name RCA, but even our younger readers know something about Motorola. Despite this, both companies have long histories, but nothing is forever. So RCA Corporation, originally known as Radio Corporation of America, was founded in 1919. Among its achievements was the NBC network, which […]

    The Apple Myth Makers Prosper

    September 13th, 2013

    So I listened to a talking head on one of the cable news/commentary networks, MSNBC. In being asked why Apple’s stock price declined sharply on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, he said that Apple isn’t good at producing iterative upgrades. They only succeed when they overhaul a market. Or at least that’s what he […]

    Newsletter Issue #680: The Tim Cook Interview: More is Less

    December 10th, 2012

    So the media still appears to believe that Apple CEO Tim Cook was extremely forthcoming in his recent interviews for Bloomberg and NBC News, and that you are learning all sorts of new things about him and Apple’s future direction. Or maybe not! I watched the NBC interview, and read every word of the Bloomberg […]