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    The Ongoing Efforts to Kill the iPhone

    July 9th, 2009

    They never learn. Media pundits have this “bigger they are, harder they fall” philosophy when it comes to one of Apple’s hot-selling gadgets. So in the days when the iPhone was growing tremendously every single year, almost every pretender to the throne was touted as the one and only inevitable iPod killer. This was particularly true […]

    The Night Owl’s iPhone 3GS Odyssey

    July 6th, 2009

    As many of you readers know, I took a slightly circuitous path to getting an iPhone 3GS. In a sense, my purchase of a 3G was similarly troubled. Just to recap: On the day the 3G was released last July, I made the 10-minute drive to the nearest AT&T factory-owned store, and discovered that they […]

    Newsletter #437 Preview: Tell Me Apple: Why Did You Do That?

    April 13th, 2008

    You most likely know that the newest iteration of the MacBook Pro uses Intel’s powerful and energy-saving Penryn processors. You also know that some of the touchscreen tricks from the iPhone and MacBook AIr have been transplanted to the touchpads of the MacBook and MacBook Pro. Adding the Multi-Touch feature allows you to, for example, […]