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    Memo to Microsoft: Why Didn’t You Make Windows 8 Usable?

    August 29th, 2012

    Since the first public betas of Windows 8 appeared last year, I have really made a huge effort to find some comfort in the new interface. Right, it used to be Metro, but when that ended up being the name of a German supermarket chain, Microsoft opted for “Modern UI.” I suppose that could change […]

    Microsoft Continues to Fade into Obscurity

    August 16th, 2012

    So let’s see here. Nokia’s efforts to sell smartphones with the Windows Phone OS have, so far, failed. It’s reported that AT&T invested $150 million to get you to buy a Nokia Lumia 900, the flagship Windows handset, and it failed. Those endlessly irritating ads said that the Lumia 900 was the first smartphone that […]