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    Cortana and Siri: A Lead Foot and a Sprinter?

    June 21st, 2016

    Apple is often accused of being late to the party. Other companies come out with a feature that appears to be a great fit for Apple. But no Apple gadget has it, and thus the criticisms are endless. Why can’t they do it too? Have they lost their edge? But one of the key differences between Apple and […]

    Welcome to the World of Automatic Failures — or Not!

    December 16th, 2015

    Call me paranoid — you wouldn’t be the first — but you have to wonder about people who claim that a certain company’s products are destined to be certain failures. Even when they’re not. But products from some other companies are taken seriously as potential “killers” even if the facts are otherwise. So you just […]

    Newsletter Issue #786: Apple Mail: It Works When it Doesn’t Frustrate

    December 22nd, 2014

    As most of you know, I’ve pretty much settled on Apple Mail for my email needs since the early days of OS X. I’ve struggled with Microsoft Entourage and its successor, Outlook for Mac, but never seemed to find myself comfortable with the bloated interface and lagging performance. With the Outlook 365 beta released to […]

    So Was Steve Jobs Wrong About 7-inch Tablets?

    November 15th, 2013

    There’s a story today — which I will not link to — suggesting that the popularity of 7-inch tablets, and the iPad mini, at 7.85-inches, is proof positive that Steve Jobs was dead wrong about the usability of smaller tablets. The article also included some statistics that showed, in some cases, that larger tablets were more popular for certain […]