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    The iPad Report: So How Successful is Successful?

    April 5th, 2010

    You almost think that the tech media, beyond its obsessions with the marital woes of Sandra Bullock and Tiger Woods, had little else to write about except how many iPads Apple would sell the first day it went on sale. Estimates were all over the map, but many were in the 300,000 range. The alleged […]

    The Microsoft On-The-Skids Report

    December 24th, 2008

    It appears that no company is immune from economic woes. Toyota, now the world’s largest automaker, was once thought to be bulletproof, yet the company is about about to suffer from the first financial loss in its history. Apple appears to be cutting back on production for this quarter, although it seems certain they’ll still […]

    Reconsidering Apple’s Future

    January 23rd, 2008

    Now that Wall Street has, as usual, run off half-cocked over apparent flattening of iPod sales, the pundits are at it again. Has Apple’s luster begun to fate? Are iPod sales destined to tank? What’s Apple’s next great thing and will it arrive in time to halt the renewed  atmosphere of gloom and doom for […]