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    The Slowness of WWDC Speculation

    May 24th, 2017

    As I write this column, we’re only days away from the WWDC keynote, which is scheduled for Monday June 5th. Tech pundits have been looking at Apple’s media invitation for the event, desperately seeking clues, but guesses about what’ll happen are only narrowly focused. Obviously, Apple may surprise us in some ways, but these events tend […]

    The Mac-with-Touchscreen Argument Revisited

    May 22nd, 2017

    Just the other day, I read an article from a somewhat confused pundit that started with some accurate statements. But it then went off the rails. So it correctly pointed out that Mac sales were up in the March quarter, whereas Microsoft Surface declined. This despite the arrival of the $2,999.99 Surface Studio all-in-one, a touchscreen-based […]

    Believing Spin From the Critics

    May 19th, 2017

    I do enjoy the back and forth of friendly debate. I realize that my opinions are strictly those of one person, so I don’t make a big deal of their relevance. But I will defend them when I feel necessary. Now as you know, Apple has loads of critics. So does Google and Microsoft, and all […]

    Where Unsuccessful Products Are Successful

    May 18th, 2017

    I don’t want to consider the crazy developments in the world of politics, where the definition of “fake news” depends on your belief system. Instead, let’s look at the crazy developments in the tech world, where Apple is always failing or about to, and supposedly successful products really aren’t successful after all. In yesterday’s column, I […]