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    A Reality Check About the iOS 11 Installed Base

    October 13th, 2017

    Raw sets of statistics can often be interpreted in many ways. Taking them out of context can also put those numbers in a very different perspective. So you can point to the recent industry analysis that indicates that Mac sales decreased in the September quarter and say some nasty things about Apple. But it’s fair […]

    Confusion About Apple’s Relationship with Suppliers and Such

    October 12th, 2017

    Long-time Mac users understand that Apple has had a complicated relationship with some of its partners, most particularly Microsoft. Even though Microsoft has produced products for the Mac, the company remains Apple’s biggest rival in the personal computing space. At one time, Apple was engaged in litigation with Microsoft over claims that Windows basically ripped […]

    Apple and Being Late to the Game

    October 10th, 2017

    This is a curious situation. Time after time, Apple is attacked for being late to add a feature to one of its products. Over that time, feature after feature will be listed as something Apple must have to avoid total ruin. Or something. Take the arrival of LTE service from a growing number of wireless […]

    Newsletter Issue #932: Bye Bye AIM

    October 9th, 2017

    As long-time readers know, I got heavily involved in the online world beginning in October of 1989, when I received a sign-up floppy from America Online. Up till then, I tapped into a CompuServe membership at the office, but it was expensive, costing over $10 per hour during peak terms, and the boss strongly recommended […]