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    A Curious Solution to Address Apple’s iPhone “Problem!”

    November 7th, 2017

    For the past few years, Apple has been regarded as essentially a one-product company, because more than half of its revenue is generated by the iPhone. The theory does that, if iPhone sales tank, or start to erode, the company is in deep trouble, very deep. The impression was only buttressed during the quarters where […]

    Apple’s Financials Expose Flawed Mac Sales Estimates

    November 3rd, 2017

    Let me get to the basics first: Apple’s fourth fiscal quarter financials were blowout by any reasonable estimate. Up until the announcement, it was believed by many that iPhone 8 sales weren’t so good. Reports that iPhone sales in China were up by a decent margin were taken seriously, however, but regarded as only temporary. […]

    So the iPhone X is a 2018 Model?

    November 2nd, 2017

    The revelation that the iPhone X, or at least its technologies, were meant to appear in 2018, has answered loads of questions, or maybe raised a few more. In a sense, it also confirms rumors dating from 2016 that Apple was working full bore on a special iPhone to commemorate the 10th anniversary of Apple’s […]

    Face ID and the Single User Matter

    November 1st, 2017

    More preliminary reviews are in. The iPhone X pretty much fulfills its promise with a great display, terrific performance, and all that fear mongering about Face ID was clearly wrongheaded. For the most part, it is as fast or faster than Touch ID, and as accurate in real world use. Not perfect, of course, but […]