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    More About Apple’s Secret Sauce

    March 8th, 2018

    Apple has made a huge amount of progress overcoming common impressions of the company over the years, and the unexpected continues to happen. At first, there was a computer named Apple, but a different product, the Mac, had the staying power. in the early days,. the use of a graphical user interface was considered controversial […]

    Newsletter Issue #953: If at First You Can’t Compete, Lie!

    March 5th, 2018

    Long before the phrase “fake news” began to occupy the nation’s political dialogue, one tech company was constantly the subject of stories often made up out of whole cloth. Not just rumors, but claims that something was factual, or accepted fact, even though the reverse was true. I think back to the early days of […]

    Random Observations About Apple and Biometrics

    February 23rd, 2018

    When the rumors first arose about alleged problems embedding Touch ID in what became the iPhone X, it was painted as a technology problem. Apple couldn’t find a workable scheme to embed a fingerprint sensor beneath an OLED display, so they rushed and scrambled for a solution. Apple, of course, ignores such claims. They have […]

    Apple Builds Enterprise Support

    February 21st, 2018

    During the days when Steve Jobs ran the show, Apple and the enterprise appeared to exist in different universes. Indeed, it was once common to claim that Macs were consumer computers, and shouldn’t be taken seriously for business use. The interface was too pretty. Besides, there was no software for the Mac, even though that […]