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    The Apple Shareholder’s Meeting: Sorry, No Stock Split!

    February 28th, 2013

    So a certain Wall Street trader released a bogus report Tuesday afternoon claiming Apple shareholders were prepared to approve a stock split at Wednesday’s meeting. As you might expect, it never happened, it wasn’t going to happen. But the stock price soared for a bit, which likely gave the trader in question a decent profit, […]

    Newsletter Issue #690: Shouldn’t Apple Be Previewing OS 10.9 Real Soon Now?

    February 18th, 2013

    Apple first confirmed the existence of OS X Mountain Lion on February 16, 2012, offering a preview of some of the more compelling features. After a more extensive demonstration at the Worldwide Developer’s Conference on June 11, Mountain Lion became available for download on July 25, precisely on schedule, for $19.99. So if Apple is […]

    Apple Gear: So Much for a Lack of Demand

    February 5th, 2013

    So the story is still playing out. Starting in December, there was an unproven claim that demand for the iPhone 5 had taken a nosedive. Why? Because of one unconfirmed report claiming that Apple had cut back on orders for the latest iPhone’s displays. Apple’s stock price took a dip, but things got real bad […]

    The Apple Report: Time to Return to Sanity?

    January 29th, 2013

    For one day, at least, it appeared as if the Wall Street freakout over Apple’s past and future prospects might be abating. The stock price had begun to soar way ahead than the market, increasing by nearly ten dollars per share at the end of the trading day, but that could be a blip. Predicting […]