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    So Much for Falling iPhone Sales

    July 25th, 2013

    Ever since the iPhone 5 was released to record sales in September 2012, media and financial pundits have declared it a failure. When they estimated that Apple could sell 10 million units the first weekend, and Apple sold a record five million, that was a miss. Whose miss? Well, the silly estimates from some analysts […]

    The Apple Earnings Report: Two Out of Three Ain’t Bad!

    July 24th, 2013

    The naysayers have been after Apple for months, and that, rather than flagging sales, is probably largely responsible for the company’s stock price woes. Ahead of this week’s announcement of June quarter financials, the stock price dropped yet again. Clearly Wall Street expected more bad news. At the end of the day, Apple met their […]

    Do You Remember RAM Upgrades?

    July 19th, 2013

    Over the years, Apple has had a habit of releasing Macs that made memory upgrades user hostile or impossible. It all began with the very first Mac, released in 1984, which was the quintessential closed box. That doesn’t mean there were no power users who prided themselves on tearing it open and doing their thing. […]

    Surprise: iPhone 5 is Still Tops!

    July 11th, 2013

    So you’ve probably read all the chatter in recent months that the iPhone 5 was a huge failure, that it didn’t meet Apple’s expectations or the expectations of industry and financial analysts. This meme has played out over and over again, even though Apple continues to report higher year-over-year sales for iPhones. Well, there’s one […]