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    Will There Be an iPhone Jumbo?

    October 16th, 2013

    As names go, “phablet” is butt ugly. It represents the clumsy marriage of a tablet and a smartphone, or perhaps just a halfway point between the two. Regardless, the biggest thing the phablet has going for it, so far as the companies who make them are concerned, is the fact that Apple isn’t making one. […]

    The End of the Mac?

    October 15th, 2013

    According to a published report, Mac sales are not just down, but dropping somewhat faster than the PC market as a whole. Now this is something that hasn’t happened in a while, so could it be an area of concern? Well, maybe, but it does call for a reality check. First and foremost, the published […]

    A Ready to Upgrade Your Mac Rant

    August 22nd, 2013

    In the old days, when I was young and foolish, I’d upgrade my desktop Mac every two years. Foolish? Well, it’s a sure thing that there was probably a healthy performance boost, not to mention a larger hard drive. Since I could get a decent return on selling my old Mac, the net cost wasn’t […]

    About that “Cheap” iPhone

    August 14th, 2013

    So the conventional wisdom, such as it is, has it that Apple is being forced kicking and screaming into building a lower cost iPhone. Although the top-of-the-line model is relatively inexpensive on a subsidized postpaid carrier contract (the one you pay when you get a bill), it’s a huge jump if you have to pay […]