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    Yet Another Stupid Headline to Refute

    December 25th, 2013

    Here’s a magic formula to get some traffic: Create a headline mentioning Apple in connection with something bad or potentially bad. It’s a surefire hit, because it seems most everyone wants to hear unfavorable news about the company. Well, at least that’s what it seems. So I wasn’t surprised to encounter a headline entitled, “Will […]

    If at First Apple Can’t Succeed, Buy an Electric Car Company?

    December 24th, 2013

    There’s no shortage of tech and financial pundits telling Apple what to do. They evidently assume that Tim Cook and his team don’t know anything, or, when Steve Jobs passed in 2011, everything that made the company great died with him. Unfortunately, that’s a meme that’s been played out in the media since then. That, […]

    The Case (Sort of) for a Modular iMac

    December 20th, 2013

    If you want to spend as much as $10,000 and more for a personal computing workstation, Apple has a solution for you. Orders for the new Mac Pro were first accepted on December 19, and, within hours, you had to wait until February to get one. And that even applied to the standard configurations. Either […]

    The 2013 Mac Pro: The Last Mac Workstation?

    December 19th, 2013

    So, as promised, the Made in the U.S.A. Mac Pro became available for ordering on Thursday, December 19. Coming so late in the month, though, I expect that all or most of the units ordered, particularly the ones that are heavily customized, will not actually reach the hands of customers until some time in January. […]