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    Are Samsung Smartphones Dangerous to Your Health?

    October 6th, 2016

    Consider the embarrassment. Samsung released the Galaxy Note 7 smartphone several weeks before Apple was expected to put the iPhone 7 on sale. With rumors that Apple’s new flagship handset might not be a very significant upgrade — something that turned out not to be true — I suppose Samsung was hoping to get a […]

    Yes, There is an Apple Car; No There Isn’t!

    September 27th, 2016

    I read two articles before writing this column. One suggested Apple had scaled down Project Titan to focus on CarPlay on steroids, more or less. Another considered recent developments to suggest that an Apple Car was still on track. So what do Apple executives think when they read two articles from two relatively well-known publications drawing opposite […]

    Silly Comparisons and Other Nonsense

    September 8th, 2015

    Once upon a time, when Apple was installing rofowerPC chips in Macs, there came a time when Intel appeared to be soaring ahead in the CPU horsepower race. Do you remember when Pentiums began to approach 4 GHz, while the PowerPC G5 topped out at 2.5 GHz, and that required liquid cooling? So, in theory, the Pentium must have been […]

    The Usual Apple Product Intro, and the Usual Claims of Production Problems

    March 24th, 2015

    Do you remember all that chatter before the iPhone 6 was launched last fall? Apple was having problems ramping up production, so they said, and supplies would be severely constrained when the units first went on sale. But you can go farther back over Apple’s history, particularly when a new form factor was about to […]