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    Newsletter Issue #550: Does Anyone Believe that Apple is Giving Up the Mac?

    June 13th, 2010

    Although Apple, until recently, had the word “Computer” in the corporate name, the product lines frequently extended far beyond that title. Don’t forget that the original LaserWriter, which, along with Adobe PostScript and PageMaker, heralded the desktop publishing revolution in the 1980s, came from Apple. One of the first digital cameras was the Apple QuickTake, […]

    Should Printer Makers Fear the iPad?

    March 31st, 2010

    Let me get my feelings about the matter out of the way first, so you know where I’m coming from. You see, I’m very old fashioned about my printed materials. I buy lots of real books and magazines. A large portion of my reading diet is served by the Internet, but I’m most comfortable printing […]

    The Myths About Apple Keep on Coming

    January 21st, 2010

    Just the other day, I read yet another commentary from an alleged tech pundit claiming that the reason Apple didn’t conquer the world with the Macintosh in the 1980s was because they opted to keep the platform closed. Thus, there is no chance that Apple can overcome the Google onslaught and not fall behind in […]