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    The Lion Report: Look for the Rough Edges

    July 21st, 2011

    Many of the reviews of Mac OS X Lion seem cut from the same cloth. The same 10 fundamental features, particularly the enhanced iOS veneer, are cited over and over again. How many times do you need to be told about all the great things you can do by tapping, swiping, and zooming on a touchpad […]

    iPad Reviews Seem Cut from the Same Cloth

    April 1st, 2010

    As you know, Apple seeded iPads to a select few tech journalists in recent weeks. Two days before the product’s official availability at the Apple Store and Best Buy, the fruit of those marketing efforts paid off, in the form of highly favorable reviews that have been plastered all over the Internet. Now to be […]

    Reviewing Products They’ve Never Used

    March 9th, 2010

    It’s nothing new. When the iPod first came out, bloggers and so-called tech pundits were busy complaining about the features it didn’t have, such as a built-in radio, or perhaps a working kitchen sink. None of that hurt actual sales of the product, of course, since it became a runaway best-seller and sales only began […]

    Would the iPhone Work in Verizon Wireless’s Stepford Culture?

    February 12th, 2009

    As Macworld’s Jason Snell reminded me this week while recording a segment for The Tech Night Owl LIVE, placing the iPhone in the arsenal of today’s number one mobile carrier, Verizon Wireless, would probably represent a culture shock to them. Now I don’t pretend to know what went on behind the scenes as Apple was pitching […]