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    Is a Larger iPhone Inevitable?

    May 8th, 2014

    It may be surprising if you haven’t kept up to date with the history of smartphones, but the original iPhone, with the 3.5-inch display, was considered quite large. Maybe too large to some, but other smartphones of 2007 usually came with physical keyboards to take up the rest of the space. Although not the first, […]

    The iPhone Phablet Kicking and Screaming Report

    April 29th, 2014

    On the surface, the concept of a phablet seems an awkward mix. It’s meant to serve the functions of both a tablet and a full-featured smartphone, but there is that issue about usability that complicates the picture. So Apple famously maintains they want you to be able to do things on your smartphone with one […]

    Using Rumors as Excuses for Other Rumors

    April 23rd, 2014

    Say have you seen the iWatch? What’s that you say? Apple hasn’t released such a beast? Well, yes, but wasn’t there a rumor in the summer of 2013 suggesting that Apple had delayed release because of the complexities in building the product? Supposedly Apple had a large team working on the project, but they just […]

    Writing About Products That Do Not Exist

    March 25th, 2014

    Apple has one advantage in saying very little about future products. It gives the media plenty of space to make things up, or at least attempt to speculate about what form those future products might take. This year’s Apple product focus begins with the next versions of the gear with which we’re already familiar, such […]