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    Once Bad, Now Good

    December 2nd, 2014

    It wasn’t so long ago that Apple was considered to be a relic of the past, a company with a brief turn in the sun, but doomed to return to perceived irrelevance. While all the skepticism mounted amid Apple’s move to concentrate on modest product refreshes rather than introduce innovative products and services, clearly things were […]

    Newsletter Issue #783: Just for Reading?

    December 1st, 2014

    There are surveys and there are surveys. It’s very easy to take a little bit of highly-focused data and attempt to project how it impacts the entire product category. Before I get into the limitations of that data, once again most members of the media will quote such a survey without considering the limitations. A […]

    Be Dumb, Be Very Dumb!

    November 19th, 2014

    It almost boggles the mind to realize that an article with a headline praising the OS X 10.10.1 update is essentially not much more than yet another an ill-informed attack against Apple. It almost seems as if the stock words were “borrowed” from other critical rants, and somehow strung together incoherently to express a point that is about […]

    Is Apple Coming to Samsung’s Rescue?

    November 18th, 2014

    It’s a curious world. On the one hand, Samsung has been sued a number of times by Apple for alleged theft of intellectual property. Samsung was charged with slavishly copying Apple’s exclusive designs, mostly the iPhone and various product features, and they fought back claiming Apple had, in fact, illegally used some of their intellectual […]