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    So Just How Successful is the iPad 2?

    May 20th, 2011

    I suppose some industry analysts who forecast extremely rosy sales for the iPad during the March quarter this year were somewhat disappointed that less than five million were sold. Apple’s response, which seems sensible enough in light of the ongoing backorder situation, was that they were building as many as they can, but struggling to […]

    The Chrome What?

    May 17th, 2011

    Google continues to struggle to make you believe that they can do more than create search engines, online services, email software, and various odds and ends. With the Android OS, they want you to believe that you can get a reliable, state-of-the-art and open ecosystem for your smartphone or tablet. They even hope to make […]

    The Apple Security Report: So Are You Happy Now?

    May 5th, 2011

    After taking a few days to come up with a suitable explanation as to why a certain tracking file was present in the iPhone, iPads, and other gadgets that detected your whereabouts, Apple last week offered a reasoned and reasonable explanation of why it was present, and its purpose. In short, if you want to […]

    Why Buy a New PC When You Get a Mac?

    April 22nd, 2011

    One of the more telling statistics from Apple’s quarterly financials this week is the fact that Mac sales are still growing ahead of the overall PC industry quarter after quarter. This time, Apple recorded a 28% sales boost over the same quarter last year, while the PC industry remained flat. Now maybe such arcane issues […]