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    Some iOS 9 and Apple Watch Stuff

    September 22nd, 2015

    So Apple announced Monday a surprising record, that over 50% of activated iPhones are already running iOS 9. It was surprising because third-party web metrics were showing a much lower figure. Mixpanel Trends, for example, which often reports a higher number than Apple, was displaying just under 37% as of the time I wrote this article. […]

    Newsletter Issue #825: Some iOS 9 Issues — Real and Otherwise

    September 21st, 2015

    The dust is settling, and it does appear iOS 9 may have more glitches than it seemed on the very first day. However, Apple is also reporting that over 50% of the user base has already upgraded. This despite the fact that some have encountered installation glitches that will require restoring your device. Otherwise the iOS 9 upgrade process […]

    Fear and Loathing About iOS 9

    September 18th, 2015

    It’s early. Aside from some download problems right after it was released, the iOS 9 upgrade experience appears to be moving along well. The sites who measure web metrics are reporting a roughly 12% adoption rate in the first 24 hours. That’s similar to iOS 8, but some suggest it would have been better had there […]

    iOS 9: The Double Install!

    September 17th, 2015

    So as advertised, Apple released iOS 9 around the world on Wednesday. The promised WatchOS 2 update was delayed due to a last-minute bug, which is a refreshing change. In the past, Apple has released updates that needed additional updates to fix problems, so I’m hopeful. In any case, iOS 9 arrived with the usual […]