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    iPad as a PC Replacement: Really?

    November 11th, 2015

    So Apple CEO Tim Cook wants you to believe that he doesn’t even use Macs anymore. When he travels he takes an iPad, presumably an iPad Pro nowadays, and an iPhone. No doubt he also has an Apple Pencil and a Smart Keyboard. Aside from the stylus, why not a MacBook or a 13-inch MacBook […]

    iOS 9 Off to a Rousing Start

    November 5th, 2015

    Last year, the critics were wondering why so few were switching from iOS 7 to iOS 8. The theory went that the number of visible changes were fewer, and thus people were less inclined to update, and don’t forget the infamous 8.0.1 update that bricked some new iPhones. It didn’t help that Apple made the […]

    A Brief Rant About iPhone Saturation

    October 29th, 2015

    The critics say that, any day now, Apple will hit the limits on iPhone growth. Sales will flatten and will eventually begin to drop. Perhaps that’s already happened with the iPad, witness the sales decreases since 2014, after a four-year run-up. Of course, tablets represent a different issue entirely that’s outside the scope of this […]

    Welcome to the Weekly iOS Update

    September 30th, 2015

    I am writing this post only a few hours after installing the iOS 9.0.2 update on my iPhones and Barbara’s iPad. Nothing untoward has occurred so far. For some it ends there after you undergo a roughly 15 or 30 minute download and installation process. Last week’s iOS 9.0.1 update had a handful of fixes that […]