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    A Turkey for 2015’s List Season

    November 26th, 2015

    So it has begun. For the next few months, you’ll be seeing loads of best/worst listicles. The choices may be based on reader surveys, editorial preferences, personal preferences, or just by shooting darts at the wall and hoping a few will hit their targets. In other words, there are no standards, and anyone’s opinion is […]

    The “Never Say Never” Report

    November 25th, 2015

    Reading the tea leaves around the Apple universe is pretty common. All sorts of rumors arise, and some of them are even true. One sure source of bits and pieces about future Apple gear is the supply chain, at least for those who have access. It’s been shown that it’s near impossible to keep everything hidden, […]

    About Apple Software Issues

    November 20th, 2015

    As many of you know, a week or two before Apple releases a new gadget, selected members of the press are seeded with samples so they can release reviews a day or two before it goes on sale. This early buzz, if favorable, can really boost sales from the starting gate. That’s particularly helpful with […]

    Apple and Waiting for the Other Shoe

    November 19th, 2015

    One thing is certain: There are commentators and industry analysts who appear to be spending unreasonable amounts of time waiting and hoping for Apple to fail. It has become an imperative to some who still cannot believe the company can continue to report higher iPhone sales, or even higher sales of Macs for that matter. Record sales […]