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    Waiting for the End of the World (Apple)

    April 1st, 2016

    Apple can never do anything right. Not sure what I mean? Well, don’t you remember that silly little gadget known as iPod? When Apple first announced that you could put 1,000 songs in your pocket for a mere $399 in 2001, they weren’t taken seriously. But it didn’t take long for digital music players to be […]

    Another Apple Update Failure

    March 30th, 2016

    A while back, an Apple executive, in response to a question about declining software quality, asserted that quality had actually improved in recent years. But since there were more people using Apple gear, each problem received more coverage. I suppose that’s quite possible, except that there’s no way for anyone outside of Apple to know whether […]

    Apple/FBI Case Ends with a Whimper

    March 29th, 2016

    The story came out of the blue. In February, the U.S. Department of Justice requested and received a court order to unlock the iPhone 5c used as a work phone by a deceased terrorist in the San Bernardino, CA shootings. In short order, Apple filed a petition to overturn the order, claiming such a move […]

    Apple Dodges a Bullet — or Something Like That

    March 24th, 2016

    It almost came across as a movie cliffhanger. Just a day ahead of a scheduled court appearance in which Apple would fight the FBI’s demand to develop a “govOS” to unlock an iPhone, a motion by the Department of Justice to postpone the hearing was approved by the judge. According to the court filing, the […]