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    The Apple Software Defect Freakout

    December 20th, 2017

    Apple can’t get a break. Software glitches that are not terribly unusual on other computing platforms garner amazing amounts of publicity when it happens to an iPhone or a Mac. That the average price of Apple gear is higher — even though usually competitive — means they have to answer, I suppose, to a higher […]

    The Old Apple Conspiracies Report

    November 11th, 2016

    So whenever there’s a problem with an Apple product or service, or something unexpected is released, the world must end. Or at least that’s what the critics say. This happens every so often, and each time there’s some sort of media outcry. It dies down over time, as Apple manages to overcome the problem, or […]

    Another Apple Update Failure

    March 30th, 2016

    A while back, an Apple executive, in response to a question about declining software quality, asserted that quality had actually improved in recent years. But since there were more people using Apple gear, each problem received more coverage. I suppose that’s quite possible, except that there’s no way for anyone outside of Apple to know whether […]

    Fear and Loathing in Redmond: Microsoft Sorry for Surface Bugs

    December 17th, 2015

    As most of you know, whenever Apple has a problem with hardware or software, it can make huge headlines. I said huge! One telling incident occurred last year, when the iOS 8.0.1 update essentially bricked any model from the iPhone 6 series. Apple had it up for maybe an hour or so before it was […]