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    Newsletter Issue #724: So What’s Wrong with iOS 7?

    October 14th, 2013

    Some of my colleagues have been using iOS 7 since the first betas arrived from Apple in June, but I actually didn’t start until September 18, the very day it was released as a free download. Since then, the number of users has reached the hundreds of millions, signaling the fastest upgrade of any mobile […]

    Waiting for the Bug Fixes

    October 2nd, 2013

    I’m sure most or all of you understand that software is far from perfect, and that one release will begat many. Sometimes a new product will arrive with bug fix downloads already waiting. There was one, for example, for the 2013 iMac. The day it came out, there was already an update to fix a […]

    Welcome to the Latest Applegate Controversy

    October 1st, 2013

    As I’ve said in previous columns, it seems that Apple can’t catch a break. Just when things seem to be going well, the media says it’s all bad news. Take the announcement that Apple sold nine million 2013 iPhones the first three days they were on sale. No other mobile handset company has come close, […]

    About Those Anti-iPhone and Anti-iPad Lists

    September 27th, 2013

    No doubt any list of the five or ten worst or best of something-or-other is apt to attract attention. It’s not just on the David Letterman show; tech writers have eagerly embraced this gimmick. There are the ten worst or best apps, smartphones — you get the picture. But since Apple is almost always in the crosshairs, […]