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    Apple Maps: 18 Months Later

    March 14th, 2014

    The common theme is that Apple messed up big time when switching to a home-brewed mapping system for iOS 6. It got so bad that Apple even fired a long-time executive, Scott Forstall, although there may have been other reasons that hastened his departure. No matter. It was quite true that, during the early days, […]

    The iOS 7.1 Report: Getting Hung Up on Technicalities

    March 13th, 2014

    On a site such as this, and on my syndicated tech radio show, it’s very easy to fall into the trap of living in a bubble. So the discussion about a mobile OS might be focused on tiny technicalities such as the color schemes and shading, and whether or not Apple should be using buttons or […]

    iOS 7.1: Don’t Expect Miracles

    March 12th, 2014

    According to tests run by Ars Technica, the 2010 iPhone 4 at last delivers adequate performance with the iOS 7.1 update. It wasn’t so good with the original iOS 7 release. That’s no mean achievement when you consider that, in the smartphone world, a product that’s over three years old is positively ancient. Consider it […]

    Fear Mongering About iOS 7.1

    March 11th, 2014

    Nearly six months after the release of iOS 7, surely a somewhat controversial release, Apple unleashed iOS 7.1 with loads of improvements and bug fixes. But even before people had a chance to download and evaluate the free update, online fear merchants were busy doing their thing. First is the perception that iOS 7 was […]